



[Cooperation in exporting Japan’s cutting-edge technology]

At our company, we provide ODA development assistance as well as a business that exports Japan’s cutting-edge technology to the world. However, it is difficult to contribute to actual economic development just by providing funds, so we decided to utilize our many years of experience in the trading business to develop a business that supports the export of Japan’s wonderful cutting-edge technology. Expand. Naturally, this is a condition of being adopted as a national project, so various fields related to Japan’s infrastructure projects (railroads, expressways, bridges, tunnels), cutting-edge medical equipment, and energy technology will be developed. I think there are some good ones from Japan. We will develop trade promotion projects in which such technologies and products will be adopted as national projects, and the foundation will provide ODA financial support to the national projects.

We have a strong business model as we can utilize international trade and ODA funds through our company. In other words, we have created a system that allows payments to be made without any financial problems, even in developing countries. We decided to develop our business by combining economic aid and international trade.

By admin