
1,日本国は、連邦国家として道州制を導入 地方財源の確保⇒地方の特別会計を設置











■Doshu system and special accounts created in local areas■

1.Japan, as a federal state, introduced the provincial system.Secured local financial resources ⇒Established local special accounts.
2. The head of Japan’s central government will be elected directly from the prime minister’s election through direct election, and from a parliamentary cabinet system based on faction lines.
3. The central government establishes security, foreign affairs, and federal laws, and develops the main laws.
4. Due to the Doshu system, each region is considered to be a nation and operates independently, just like in a federal country. ⇒Leads to regional revitalization.
5. Achieve basic income through the establishment of FILP (special accounts) in local public finances.
6. Realize free education, medical care, and welfare. (Fiscal investment and financing through local special accounts under the Doshu system)
7. Secure financial resources for infrastructure development and industrial investment through regional “FILP”. Aiming for development in each region.

Looking at the current corruption in Japan’s government, it can be seen that the limits of centralized government have been reached. The lives of the people will not improve as long as the ruling party raises funds and engages in slush funds. Looking at the recent situation in Japan, I am shocked at how bad it is.

I think it would be good for Japan to have a federal system like the United States. The central government gives rights to each region as if it were a small state, and the central government only takes care of security, and takes care of other administrative tasks by introducing the “doshu system” in each region to form a nation. I think it is important to do so.

In addition, Japan’s prime minister is not elected through a parliamentary cabinet system, but rather through a “direct election” that does not involve factions.There is a need for electoral reform in which the prime minister is elected through direct elections by the people, similar to the presidential election in the United States. I believe.

It is also important for Japan’s special accounts to have their own special accounts in each region and to secure their own and always available financial resources by raising funds from the SRP’s U.S. Treasury Assets Monetization Program.

In other words, Japan’s system of centralization has created a vested interest structure for the ruling political party, which has maintained power for an extremely long period of time. In other words, it is necessary to immediately begin dispersing to regional areas.

In a sense, introducing the Doshu system means forming a federal state with a population of about 10 to 20 million people. When a nation is formed and has a population of over 100 million, it inevitably becomes sloppy in its response. It is important for local governments to have operational financial resources in the form of special accounts. This can supplement local financial resources through the establishment of a regional system and the provision of Fiscal Investment and Loan funds for each regional region under the federal system.

I am an ambassador for the Mete Foundation, which runs a program to monetize US Treasury assets SRP, so Japan can introduce a do-shu system and have a special account to provide FILP to each region. It is possible to implement operational programs using US Treasury assets SRP.
In other words, for the purpose of regional revitalization, special accounts can be used to implement operational programs in each provincial system.

This is very important.
In other words, there is no need to go to Kasumigaseki to obtain a budget. Local areas have the advantage of being able to secure financial resources through FILP.

I believe that Japan’s system reform is necessary in this direction.

By admin